“My Ekklesia has many families and children.”

My Ekklesia has many families with children. The parents are often unable to engage and connect.

If this describes your Ekklesia, this post is for you. Some of our Ekklesias have many children from infants to toddlers. We have parents who are not fully engaged because they are attending to their children and for good reason! Children are also sometimes left on their own with an iPad or TV.

This is an issue that was brought up during a pastoral committee meeting and we ended up with an option for you to consider if this applies to you. I think this structural change will help foster an environment where both parents and children have the space to engage and connect with one another.

  1. Everyone Gathers Around the Meal (7:00 – 7:40pm)
  2. Moms & Women Gather Around the Message (7:40 – 8:25pm)
    Dads & Men Facilitate an Activity with the Children (i.e. Take a Walk, Bible Memory Verses)
  3. Dads & Men Gather Around the Message (8:25 – 9:10pm)
    Moms & Women Facilitate an Activity with the Children
  4. Everyone Gathers and Ekklesia Leader Closes in Prayer (9:10 – 9:15pm)

Two Activities for the kids might be too much, so the second half (#3) could be a time for play. Dads and Moms can switch off who goes first (#2) each month. This set up will require some buy in from the parents to be intentional about their time with the kids and think of something to do. But overall, I think they’ll receive it well because a more conducive space is being created for connection and cultivation.