About Us
the story of ekko
In 2008, on Thanksgiving weekend, nine brave souls came together to worship and break bread. We entered the rest found only in the presence and teachings of Jesus Christ. We did not know much about planting a church or how to make it grow. As a matter of fact, it did not even cross our minds to build something. As cliche as it sounds, we believe building a church was not our primary agenda. Instead we sought to become a church that had Jesus as its Head—as Savior and Lord.
We worshipped. We opened up. We confessed. We ate. We laughed. We cried. We listened—to God and to each other.
We worshipped. We opened up. We confessed. We ate. We laughed. We cried. We listened—to God and to each other.
We are convinced that the church is the most effective organic environment for Jesus to work. We are convinced that the church is Jesus’ first choice in delivering his Kingdom to the World. We believe in the church.
EKKO is about entering the Story of God—through Jesus Christ. In turn, our stories are reframed and restored. With the church at large, our local church seeks to write a collective story that is worth reading, worth inviting people into, and worth giving to God. We invite you to go on this adventure with us. Welcome to EKKO.
EKKO is about entering the Story of God—through Jesus Christ. In turn, our stories are reframed and restored. With the church at large, our local church seeks to write a collective story that is worth reading, worth inviting people into, and worth giving to God. We invite you to go on this adventure with us. Welcome to EKKO.
Bryan H. Kim & Michelle Kim
Founding Pastors of Ekko Church
Ek • ko | Ekklesia + Koinonia
"The church... in communion by intimate & intentional participation."
Ekklesia means the gathering of Christians and Koinonia means Christ centered fellowship. EKKO essentially means church. Each letter of our name also represents the four practices in our Ekkosystem.
our values
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done through the hands of the apostles.

EKKO Values...
EKKO values Covenant. As God has loved us, we believe we reflect His love in commitment to the local church. A church knit together in Christ-like covenant is resilient, trustworthy and united.
… Because Christ deserves a united church.
To learn more about Covenant, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because Christ deserves a united church.
To learn more about Covenant, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
EKKO Values...
EKKO values Sabbath because in keeping Sabbath we express our trust in God and we enter an abiding communion with Christ. Sabbath leaves us rested and re-aligned, fanning the love we have for Him.
… Because Christ deserves a passionate church.
To learn more about Sabbath, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because Christ deserves a passionate church.
To learn more about Sabbath, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
EKKO Values...
EKKO values Worship because it means to treasure God with our entire being. A worshipping church testifies that God satisfies all of us and that in Him all symphonies are complete. Worship cultivates a satisfied and steadfast life in and for God.
… Because Christ deserves a faithful church.
To learn more about Worship, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because Christ deserves a faithful church.
To learn more about Worship, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
EKKO Values...
EKKO values Generosity because to be generous is to be filled with life and to be like our God. We cheerfully give ourselves out of the overflow of God’s life and love within us. A generous church is one that is alive and joy-filled.
… Because Christ deserves a living church.
To learn more about Generosity, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because Christ deserves a living church.
To learn more about Generosity, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
EKKO Values...
EKKO values Intentionality because it is both the evidence and the expression of love. It is our heartfelt and deliberate response to God who first loved us. Intentionality is loving God on purpose.
… Because Christ deserves a loving church.
To learn more about Intentionality, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because Christ deserves a loving church.
To learn more about Intentionality, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
EKKO Values...
EKKO values Spirit-filled living because we need God to love Him and each other. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live for God and to participate in His mission. Filled with His Spirit, we can endure suffering and are formed into the image of Christ.
… Because Christ deserves a victorious church.
To learn more about Spirit-filled living, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because Christ deserves a victorious church.
To learn more about Spirit-filled living, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
EKKO Values...
EKKO values Christlikeness because, in Jesus, we see our intended shape and purpose. To become like Him is what God desires and what the world longs for.
… Because the world deserves a Christlike church.
To learn more about Christlikeness, you can listen to our teaching on it here.
… Because the world deserves a Christlike church.
To learn more about Christlikeness, you can listen to our teaching on it here.